
Miss Tapes

.Mistura de Tim Hecker - 7000 miles com Roxy Music - Dance away

.Tba - Mom error
.Lucien-N-Luciano - Blind behaviour
.Triola - Leuchtturm (Robag's Bojensilencer)
.Kid 606 - If my heart ever ran away it would be looking for the day when right beside you it could forever stay
.Jonas Bering - Melanie
.Peter Lauer - Free entry for girls (Robag Wruhme's Drikkibass Remix) (extracto)
Tba - Wrestler
.Tba - Mom error
.Dub Taylor - I can't (...you know)
.K.I.M. - Death of an oakim
Massive Sounds - The future
.Quiet Village Project - Too high to move
.(tema desconhecido retirado da compilação Moonshadows Part 3, de DJ Harvey)

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